Chinook Trail counselors provide a number of services to help your student succeed.
Classroom Guidance Lessons
We reach 100% of the student population through bi-weekly classroom lessons on a variety of developmentally relevant topics including problem solving, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, etc.
Small Group Counseling
Students who need more targeted interventions in specific areas are referred for short-term, small group counseling, either by the teacher or the parents. Small group topics vary from friendship skills to anxiety/worry to family changes, etc.
Individual Counseling
When students have more intensive individual needs, counselors meet one on one for short-term (6-8 weeks) counseling sessions.
Military Family Life Counselor
The Military and Family Life counselor (MFLC) provides support to military children for a variety of issues, including low self-esteem, behavioral problems and changes at home. MFLCs understand the issues military children face and can be especially helpful during challenging periods, including deployments and PCS moves. The MFLC Counselor is licensed with a master’s degree or higher, and has a positive effect on general behavior, performance in school and relationships with family members and teachers.
Topics covered
The licensed counselors in the MFLC Program address: Self-esteem issue, Communication and relationships at home and school, Life skills, such as problem solving and adjustment, Behavioral issues, including bullying and anger management and Changes at home, such as deployment, reunion, divorce, and grief.
Conversations in these sessions stay between your child and his or her counselor. The only exceptions to this rule are cases of domestic violence, abuse, and suicidal or homicidal threats.
As long as you or your spouse are an active-duty, National Guard or reserve service member or a designated Department of Defense civilian, your child is eligible. Surviving children are also eligible. If your child is 18 years old or younger, you must give consent for counseling sessions.
Conversations with the school counselor are kept confidential unless a counselor determines a student:
is in danger of harming themselves or someone else
is being hurt by another individual.
In these cases, they have a legal and professional obligation to report that information to the proper authorities in order to ensure the safety of all.
Resources for Families
Safe to Tell
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community. We take your reports any time, any day.
Love and Logic
Never before in history have parents faced so many challenges! That’s why the Love and Logic approach provides a variety of simple and effective strategies for parenting children birth to adulthood.
A program primarily for elementary school students. It supports relationships and wellbeing and teaches students how to identify, understand and manage emotions while expressing concern and compassion. The program has four anchor tools: the Charter, Mood Meter, Meta-Moment and Blueprint.
Students can reach out to counselors by filling out a counselor pass and placing it in the basket outside our door.
Beth Podoll (1st, 3rd, and 5th Grades)
Christy Smith (K, 2nd, and 4th Grades)
Monica Wilcox (Military Family Life Counselor)